IT Specialist

Jalal Payab serves as IT Specialist at ACE. Jalal is responsible to for a wide range of IT-related tasks at ACE, which include maintaining the office network, managing web and email hosting services, and developing websites for ACE projects and subsidiaries.

Jalal’s first professional interest was graphic design, undertaking freelance branding assignments during his university years in Peshawar. Prior to graduating from university, Jalal joined the British Institute of Technology, Engineering, & Languages (BITEL) as a computer instructor and IT Manager. Jalal taught a number of courses in programming languages (to include C++, Java, and Visual Basic .NET), as well as skills in software like MS Windows, the MS Office suite of programs, and Adobe Photoshop.

After graduating with a Computer Science degree in 2016, Jalal joined the Peshawar-headquartered Global IT Solutions, as an IT Officer. His primary responsibilities were managing the office’s network, keeping the company website updated, and designing print promotional material. In 2017, Jalal returned to his native Afghanistan, taking a position at ACE in support of its IT-related activities.

Jalal received his Bachelor of Computer Science degree from Iqra National University in Peshawar, Pakistan.