22 Jul Labor Market Assessment of Vocational Training and Employment
The Agha Khan Foundation – Afghanistan (AKF-A) as the lead agency in a consortium of six NGO for STAGES II project tasked ACE to conduct a mapping of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) providers, local employers and higher education opportunities linked to vocational pathways suitable for adolescent girls in their program areas across 13 provinces. In particular, the assessment is seeking to respond to the followings:
- Types of training and occupations are adolescent girls interested in?
- Caregivers’ beliefs around types of training and occupations which are useful, relevant and acceptable for adolescent girls?
- Labor market situation currently for girls in program areas?
- Vocational training providers exist in or close to program areas?
- Training and working conditions are safe for women and under-18s?
- Sustainability of the vocational training opportunities offered?
- Support or resources are available to help girls attend vocational training opportunities?
- Market linkages available alongside production-related training?
- Savings or financial literacy facilities exist to support girls’ economic empowerment?
The findings from the assessment will be used to strategically link girl beneficiaries with vocational training opportunities close to where they live and in line with career pathways which are challenging, interesting and realistic for them to follow.
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